Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Mirrors Life

This life has etched into the window in the morning
when the sun is quiet piece of holy Iradat
climbing the cliffs of life .....
life is built on the cliff of hope
between ..... roar of the waves, loose on the beach
bud desire dolor to throw down
full life singing, poetry words as fresh as morning
love peace flower buds blooming fresh
I do not want to mirror my spout
without a breath of pure tone
I do not want to mirror my spout
lolling waves crashing on the shore
I hope the love interest, the tip this morning
like the sun that falls on the horizon
love flowers, perfume, meet the lotus life
I want to mirror my life produces hope
intimate like a slave leaves waving peace
reach from limb to limb tenderness
life in heaven accumulate

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